The art of using voice & words in an
extraordinary and fantastic way is what an anchor must have , and yes
Kunal Buch has an amazing voice that would not just reach your ears but
will also touch your heart in the most unique way which will create
memories for lifetime.
A good photograph is clicked by a
photographer, but a good dancing pose is created by a choreographer. So
always have the right one who is able to do it repeatedly.
Playing fast around the drums is one
thing, but to play with people for others to listen to, that's something
else, and for us that's a whole other world. A drummer is always like
the backbone who provides us the strength and gives us all the power for
a perfect show.
Every show every present every
audience of any age group would relate more to the voice then to the
visuals for the emotions and hence we make it a point that you you as a
host of the show or of any cultural or corporate event get the best
voice dubbing in the voice over to deliver your emotions to your crowd
in the right way.
Good audience good sound system good
venue good anchor and a good concept is incomplete without a great
script because through the language of scripting correct words correct